An English Medium School (Hill-tribes’ Mission School) has been run in association with Bethesda Local Church for the poor children starting in the year 2008. There are 64 students enrolled and the mission provided school uniform, text books, test books, pencil, exercise books, snacks, and waived their monthly fees since the children are from the poorest of the poor families. The mission also supports one school (Holy Angels School) in association with Thenmuol Local Church in the village nearby. The school has 252 students. All these children were taught scripture memory verses every Friday.
Hill-tribes’ Mission School Holy Angels School, Thenmuol Vil.
Hill-tribes’ Mission Aid of India offers a better future to the needy children through different programs. We are working at a grassroots level to the community of the dreadfully backward hill people for their overall development. The Hill-tribes’ Mission Aid of India to add value to a child’s life, promising him or her a better future. He/she had been able to attend school Hill-tribes’ Mission School. The children receive school clothing, books, pencil and snacks every day. Health care and supplementary food also provided, as needed. We urge the churches to reach out to a child today itself. They also correspond with their support child and develop a warm and very rewarding personal relationship. Be a sponsor to a needy child through Hill-tribes’ Mission Aid of India by contributing US $ 10.00 per month will help change a child’s life. Please do not delay. We are also in need of new school building. Anyone who is willing to offer/buy a land for our school project, we shall highly gratefull to God.
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